Sierra de Aitana Feb14 (50 images)
Updated: 26 Dec 2017
Team photo
Going up
Dave marching out on ..ssom
Scrambling over rocks
Walking to the top
Picnic at the top
Rest stop
Sheltering in the she..race
Almond Blossom on the..ound
Scree stop
The lost three are roped
Stopping in the Canal
Blossom stop
Walking down on last day
Well-earned beer at t.. day
Jose conqueror
Jose in his special hat
Ana emerging between ..ocks
Ana & Jayne lead the way
Jeff in a Blossom storm
Dave & Dog
The happy Yorkshireman
Nandita & Steve
Brian & Yvonne
Ian & Cathy on the summit
Benidorm far below us
Steps in Sella
Old doorway in Sella
Split Top canal
The Canal Walk
Trek down the mountain
Mountain top between ..ches
View from the top
Cliff, Cloud & Tree
Tree on a ridge
Distant mountain horizon
Orange grove
Almond Blossom grove
Almond Blossom Terraces
Almond Blossom Cottage
Almond ruin
Almond nuts in the Bl..ssom
Almond Flower
Dead thistle